Category Archives for "Expert Interviews"

August 22, 2018

Interview With Dr. Alicia Clark: Sharing Her Thoughts on Why You Are Repeatedly Attracting the Wrong Man, Pacing Your Relationship and Much More

Interview with Dr. Alicia Clark

Some of our subscribers feel stuck in their love lives because of their past emotional baggage. This affects them in a number of ways- they either tend to compare the next man they are dating with their ex or they have trust issues because they have been cheated on before or they just cannot seem to forget their ex and move on in life. What are some practical ways that can help women release their past emotional baggage so that they can start attracting healthy love into their lives?

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August 22, 2018

Interview With Dr. Barbara Sherry Rose: Sharing Her Thoughts on Finding Relationship-Ready Men, Dealing with Relationship Limbo and Much More

Interview With Dr. Barbara Sherry Rose

A number of our women subscribers and readers are interested in the topic of men and commitment. We get emails on all types of men ranging from players to the man who disappears after the first date to the man who is more interested in the chase than the catch to the boyfriend who blows hot and cold and never proposes. Do you advise women to look out for any specific signs that can help them better understand men especially those who may have a problem committing for the long haul?

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August 22, 2018

Interview With Dr. Perrin Elisha: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming Body Image Issues, Role of Chemistry and Much More

Interview with Perrin Elisha

A common problem our subscribers face especially those who are coming out of a messy divorce or breakup is lack of self-belief and confidence. They wonder if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship, they doubt if men would find them attractive and some also suffer from body image issues. What advice do you have for women to overcome this problem?

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August 22, 2018

Interview with Hadley Hill: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming the Fear of Being Single, Evaluating Red Flags and Much More

Interview with Hadley Hill

A common problem that we hear often from our subscribers is a feeling of being inadequate and unworthy especially as they age. Women feel anxious and stressed as they compare their bodies and looks to the younger women and unfortunately believe they aren’t able to attract men into their lives because they aren’t physically attractive…

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August 22, 2018

Interview With Barbara Williams: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming Emotional Baggage, Communicating Deal-Breakers and Much More

Interview with Barbara Williams

A common problem our subscribers face especially those who are coming out of a messy divorce or breakup is lack of self-belief and confidence. They wonder if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship, they doubt if men would find them attractive and some also suffer from body image issues. What advice do you have for women to overcome this problem?

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August 22, 2018

Interview with Debonee Morgan: Sharing Her Thoughts on Improving Your Self-Worth, Authentic Flirting and Much More

Interview with Debonee Morgan

Feeling good about who you are, and feeling like you matter is really a cornerstone of being human… and yet, our culture doesn’t really help us in this regard, does it? Every day we see TV, magazines, billboards and idiotic Facebook posts that turn women’s bodies into objects to be judged, and our voices are not taken as seriously as men’s. So how do we bolster our own sense of self within a world that can seem demeaning?

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August 22, 2018

Interview With Sandra Possing: Sharing Her Thoughts on Worrying About Not Finding Love, Overcoming Dating Anxiety and Much More

Interview with Sandra Possing

A number of my subscribers tend to be in the worry zone- they are worried that they are single, they are worried if they would ever find love, they are worried if the man they like will call them, they are worried if their relationship will last etc. What advice do you have for women who seem to be in a constant state of anxiety and worry?

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August 22, 2018

Interview With Dr. Wendy L Dickinson: Her Thoughts on Chemistry, Sharing Your Feelings and Much More

Interview with Dr. Wendy L Dickinson

A number of our women subscribers find difficulty in attracting the right man especially women in their 40s and above. The common complaint we hear from women is that men in their age group seem to be more interested in younger women and the men that seem to be interested in them aren’t interesting to these women. What advice do you have for women who are frustrated with their dating experience and have become skeptical of finding Mr. Right?

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August 21, 2018

Interview With Julie Nise: Sharing Her Thoughts on the Difference Between Dating Men vs Boys, Importance of Respect For Men and Much More

Interview With Julie Nise

One popular concern that our subscribers have is regarding sharing their feelings with the man they are dating. What we typically find is that when women like the man they are seeing, they tend to avoid bringing up difficult issues and tough conversations because they fear they might lose him. So what they generally tend to do is that they keep it to themselves and give the impression that things are just fine…

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