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November 9, 2024

How Do I Overcome My Insecurities As the Relationship Moves Forward: 5 Brilliant Insights Revealed Inside

How Do I Overcome My Insecurities As the Relationship Moves Forward

“A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.”

~ Mandy Hale

# Follow the 4 tips below

As you move forward in a romantic relationship you may begin letting your guard down, which  exposes your authentic self. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is an important component of a healthy relationship.  However, when you do not fully accept yourself it can be a struggle to be vulnerable. Overcoming insecurities allows you to progress as an individual and improves your chance of success as a couple.  

1. Accept Yourself

Improving your sense of self or self-esteem begins with self-acceptance. Start by acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses.  All humans are imperfect. We are not all good or all bad. We are a smattering of various talents, faults and strengths that make us all unique.  It is a struggle to accept our faults and the faults of our loved ones, but it is possible.

2. Stop Comparing

Your authentic self, who you truly are, is a truth.  It is independent of outside judgement. Stop comparing yourself to social media posts or your friends or anyone else for that matter.  Trust that your are living your truth and let go of comparison.

3. Focus On Your Strengths 

Gratitude allows us to direct our attention to the good things we have going on.  Begin your day by listing out what you are grateful for in regards to yourself. Begin with “I am”.  Some examples:

  • I am kind
  • I am strong
  • I am creative

4. Treat Yourself With Compassion

Forgive yourself for mistakes you may have made.  Be kind to yourself. Let it go.

Healthy relationships take work.  Having the strength to be your best allows you to be a good partner in a relationship. Accepting your whole self makes room for your partner to accept you as well.  Letting go of insecurities can be a long process, but you are worth it!