June 18, 2024

10 Things That (Absolutely) Freak Men Out + How To Keep Him Hooked

Video Summary

In this video, Carlos Cavallo of DatingAdviceGuru.com guides women across the gender divide and over to the men’s side to know what it is that men worry about.

#1. Dating

Dating throws men off the loop.  Mainly, men worry about you not being impressed enough with him.  This is why he tends to show off a bit.  He wants to play himself up so you'd be interested enough in him to find him attractive.

#2. Conversations

He constantly worries about what to say to you before, during and after the date.  What if he tells his best joke and it’s not enough to make you laugh?  That spells total disaster for guys.

#3. Being stood up

Guys are afraid of being stood up.  Nothing could be more embarrassing than sitting in the restaurant all by himself; it feels to him like everyone else in the room knew he’s been stood up by his date.

#4. Talk about the ex

Men don’t like the talk about the ex – his or yours – coming up.  If you talk about your ex, it makes him feel that you're still hang up him and this date is going nowhere.  Worse yet is either ex showing up at the restaurant you're at.

#5. Expensive dates

Another worry are pricey restauants.  Sure he wants to impress you but he may not be able to afford it.  He fully intends to pick up the check but not every guy is made of money.  He’s on the dating scene and he needs to be a little cost-conscious.  Most of the women he’ll spend money on, he won’t be seeing again. 

#6. Drinking

Should he drink on a date? How much is enough to ease the tension out of the date for both of you? What if you both drink too much that you end up waking up next to each other, remembering nothing of how you got there? 

#7. Condoms

He also worries about carrying a condom.  He needs to because it’s his responsibility but he wouldn’t want to be flashing that for fear that you might think him too presumptuous. 

#8. The first kiss

The possibility of the first kiss also keeps him preoccupied.  Should he go for it?  What if you’re not the type who wants to kiss on the first date?  How will he know?

#9. His looks

He also worries whether he dressed himself appropriately enough.  What does his looks say about him?  He knows that his appearance would be placed under intense scrutinity and that you’d make a lot out of it.

#10. Asking you out

What would be the best way to ask you out? On one hand he wants you to know that he really wants you to say yes while on the other hand, he doesn’t want to sound too eager.

And when everything goes well, and you did go out on a date and he survived all his worries – he then worries about asking you out for another date.  And he had to go through all of the above again.

About Carlos Cavallo

Carlos Cavallo is a dating and attraction adviser, as well as a black belt instructor Carlos brings to the table a variety of life experiences, including a background in relationship skills, life-coaching, motivational psychology, sales, management, Martial Arts, teaching and instruction, energy work, Eastern philosophy, the psychology of achievement, and music.

Carlos Cavallo’s programs teach the essence of attraction between the sexes. By understanding the successful traits of an attractive single, you can attract the right man, achieve more success with your personal and social world, and experience a more rewarding life.

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