Category Archives for "Expert Interviews"

September 1, 2024

Interview With Marta Hatter: Sharing Her Thoughts on Creating a Safe + Non-Judgmental Relationship, Setting Boundaries and Much More

In every relationship, couples generally strive to work towards creating more intimacy to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling relationship. However a woman’s definition of intimacy may slightly differ from a man’s definition. In your professional experience does intimacy usually mean different things for women and men? If so, can you point out the differences?

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Jessica Forero Garbin: Sharing Her Thoughts on Tapping Into Your Intuitive Wisdom, Embracing Vulnerability and Much More

Jessica, what are some of the biggest challenges and concerns that you hear from your female clients? Each woman is unique in her perception of the dating scene, but over time I have indeed noticed some common concerns among single women. I would say the number one hurdle for women is their attitude towards dating. Many women believe there is a scarcity of suitable, available men…

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Haley Gage: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming the Fear of Being Single Forever, Creating Authentic Desire and Much More

A common complaint that we hear from our women subscribers is “where are all the good men?” Some of them seem frustrated, lost, confused and have even lost hope that they can find a decent man to share their life with. While part of this could be attributed to past relationship disappointments and hurts, some attribute their lack of success with their own feeling of self-worth and physical appearance…

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Leslie Rouder: Sharing Her Thoughts on Why Slow is Better, Communicating Deal Breakers + Boundaries and Much More

One question we get asked quite often from our subscribers especially from women in their late 30s and above is if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship. There seems to be this belief that men around their age group are more interested in younger women. What advice do you have for women who have a deep rooted skepticism that they can’t find love because of their age and are almost at the point of giving up?

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Dr. Jeanette Raymond: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming Love Blocks, How To Stop Attracting the Wrong Men and Much More

One question we get asked quite often from our subscribers especially from women in their late 30s and above is if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship. There seems to be this belief that men around their age group are more interested in younger women. What advice do you have for women who have a deep rooted skepticism that they can’t find love because of their age and are almost at the point of giving up?

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Sharón Lynn Wyeth: Sharing Her Thoughts on Mr. Right vs Mr. Right Now, Creating Space To Enhance Intimacy and Much More

One question we get asked quite often from our subscribers especially from women in their late 30s and above is if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship. There seems to be this belief that men around their age group are more interested in younger women. What advice do you have for women who have a deep rooted skepticism that they can’t find love because of their age and are almost at the point of giving up?

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Jeannie Dougherty: Sharing Her Thoughts on Mindfulness, Cultivating Inner Happiness and How They Help Your Relationships

Can you explain what mindfulness is and why it is important in relationships? Mindfulness simply means you are aware of your inner and outer experiences. When you are mindful it means you are aware that your feelings, physical sensations, your body language, and your responses to your environment aren’t reflexes…

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September 1, 2024

Interview With Shelby Riley: Sharing Her Thoughts on the Right Way To Pace a Relationship, Having ‘Curious Conversations’ and Much More

One of the most common questions we get asked from our women subscribers is how can I get a man to open up and share his feelings. Sometimes men have this tendency to withdraw and shut down and go into a silent mode. This can be incredibly frustrating for women who would like to know what is bothering them and how to get them to talk. Are there certain things that women can do to make it easier for men to open up and share their feelings?

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September 1, 2024

Interview with Rima Danielle Jomaa: Sharing Her Thoughts on Playing Hard To Get, Escaping the Friend Zone and Much More

1. A number of our women subscribers ask us, how important is chemistry for a relationship to succeed long term and can chemistry grow over time? Chemistry, as the name implies, takes precise measuring and calculating. Relationships are like high school chemistry class; certain solvents may experience a binding energy when combined, leading to a chain reaction of heat, synthesis, and saturation of positive hormones…

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August 31, 2024

Interview With Lisa Kaplin: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming Dating (Negativity + Skepticism), the Must-Know Truth About Chemistry and Much More

One question we get asked quite often from our subscribers especially from women in their late 30s and above is if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship. There seems to be this belief that men around their age group are more interested in younger women. What advice do you have for women who have a deep rooted skepticism that they can’t find love because of their age and are almost at the point of giving up?

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