Category Archives for "Expert Interviews"

August 24, 2024

Interview With Ileana Hinojosa: Sharing Her Thoughts on Must-Know Truth About Chemistry, Importance of Integrity and Much More

A common problem that we hear often from our subscribers is a feeling of being inadequate and unworthy especially as they age. Women feel anxious and stressed as they compare their bodies and looks to the younger women and unfortunately believe they aren’t able to attract men into their lives because they aren’t physically attractive. Some of our subscribers confess that they hate their bodies and feel undesirable…

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August 24, 2024

Interview With Shirani Pathak: Sharing Her Thoughts on Avoiding the Common Dating Mistakes, What Men Want in a Woman and Much More

Some of our subscribers haven’t dated for a long time and feel out of touch and lost. They feel stressed out and anxious at the prospect of going out on a date. They also don’t feel confident and have body image issues as they compare themselves with the other women. Can you share your advice on what women can do to overcome this problem?

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August 24, 2024

Interview With Sasha Asumaa: Her Thoughts on Sharing Your Past, Codependency and Much More

A number of our women subscribers find difficulty in attracting the right man especially women in their 40s and above. The common complaint we hear from women is that men in their age group seem to be more interested in younger women and the men that seem to be interested in them aren’t interesting to these women. What advice do you have for women who are frustrated with their dating experience and have become skeptical of finding Mr. Right?

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August 24, 2024

Interview With Marla Martenson: Sharing Her Thoughts on the Importance of Loving Your Body, Transitioning To Feminine Energy and Much More

A common problem that we hear often from our subscribers is a feeling of being inadequate and unworthy especially as they age. Women feel anxious and stressed as they compare their bodies and looks to the younger women and unfortunately believe they aren’t able to attract men into their lives because they aren’t physically attractive. Some of our subscribers confess that they hate their bodies and feel undesirable and unattractive whenever they look in the mirror…

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August 24, 2024

Interview With Suzanne Muller-Heinz: Sharing Her Thoughts on Asking Better Dating Questions, Having Tough Conversations and Much More

One question we get asked quite often from our subscribers especially from women in their late 30s and above is if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship. There seems to be this belief that men around their age group are more interested in younger women. What advice do you have for women who have a deep rooted skepticism that they can’t find love because of their age and are almost at the point of giving up?

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August 24, 2024

Interview With Sally LeBoy: Sharing Her Thoughts on Dealing with a Ticking Biological Clock, Having Standards and Much More

From our subscribers, we often hear “lack of chemistry” as a leading reason why they aren’t willing to go out on a second date with a man even though he seemed to be a decent guy and they were comfortable and treated with respect during the first date. Can you share your thoughts on chemistry- how important is it for a relationship to succeed long term and can chemistry grow over time? Is it worth persisting with a man with whom a woman feels comfortable but doesn’t quite share the chemistry?

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August 24, 2024

Interview With Dr. April Lok: Sharing Her Thoughts on Communicating Your Non-Negotiables, Not Losing Your Identity in a Relationship and Much More

We get a lot of emails from women playing the role of martyrs where they put everyone and everything above themselves and feel unappreciated, dissatisfied and unhappy at the end of the day. How can women in this position redeem themselves and put the first step forward to change the state of marriage? Where can they start?

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August 23, 2024

Interview With Dr. Kirsten Person-Ramey: Sharing Her Thoughts on Overcoming Attracting Wrong Men, When To Talk About Marriage in a Relationship and Much More

What advice would you have for women who have not dated for a long time? This may be women who have been busy with their careers that they haven’t had the time or women who are coming out of a break up or a divorce after a long marriage. They are usually anxious, nervous and find dating quite intimidating and uncomfortable. What changes do women need to make to conquer their fears and actually start to enjoy meeting men than seeing it as a chore?

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August 22, 2024

Interview With Isabel Kirk: Sharing Her Thoughts on Chemistry, Attachment Styles and Much More

One question we get asked quite often from our subscribers especially from women in their late 30s and above is if there are enough eligible men looking for a serious long term relationship. There seems to be this belief that men around their age group are more interested in younger women. What advice do you have for women who have a deep rooted skepticism that they can’t find love because of their age and are almost at the point of giving up?

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