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July 4, 2017

Can You Be Intimate Without Sex? Yes You Can + Here’s How You Can Achieve it

Video Summary

In this video Mike and his partner Nora address the topic of intimacy. Does intimacy have to come with sex?

Sex Can Bring Less Intimacy

Think about when you were a teenager before you were sexually active. All the things you did without sex were so exciting. Often as we get older or as we grow comfortable in our relationship we forget about this. Many couples find themselves jumping straight to sex without any of the foreplay they used to enjoy and a lot of the intimacy is lost.

Limiting Things Can Actually Increase Intimacy

If you decide to limit sex or make it off limits for a certain period of time you can rediscover all the fun you once had. Removing sex from the equation for a time can actually bring you a better sex life. It increases the presence of the two people involved. Take sex off the table to see how hot things can really be.

Commitment Without Sex?

It’s a good idea to have sex with someone before you get married, move in or commit to a long term relationship. It is the only way to be sure you can act together well on that level. While you can have intimacy without sex, sex is still an important piece of the relationship.

The best way to think of intimacy without sex is to remember when you were a teenager or in your college years how intimate you could be with a person without sex. Making out could be the hottest thing. As we grow older we often forget how exciting these times were. Sex can actually become less intimate as we simply go straight for the pants. In this way limiting sex can actually increase intimacy. By taking sex off the table for a time, you can rediscover the intimacy you used to know.

About Michael Fiore

Blunt, funny and always honest, Michael Fiore is an internationally known expert on how to have great relationships in the modern world. In 2011, Michael appeared on “The Rachael Ray” show with his popular “Text The Romance Back Program” (Rachael said he gave her “chills”).

Since then Michael has given women X-Ray vision into men’s minds with his “The Secret Survey: What Men Desperately Want You To Know But Will Never Tell You” program, taught thousands how to get their ex’s back with “Text Your Ex Back” and became an Amazon Best Selling Author with his short (but powerful) “Make Him Beg To Be Your Boyfriend.”

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