Category Archives for "Reader Questions"

September 2, 2024

My Boyfriend Gives Me the Silent Treatment: What Should I Do?

My name is Amy and I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. We share a really good relationship; but there are times when my boyfriend just doesn’t want to talk especially when we fight. He goes silent and withdraws and it’s extremely frustrating when he does that. I want him to talk and know what he is thinking. However he just wants to be left alone. …

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September 1, 2024

I am Not Able To Forget My Ex Boyfriend and Move On: What Should I Do?

I feel horrible writing this email but I wanted to get it off my chest. I broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years 6 months ago and it was incredibly painful and heart breaking for me. It was my fault because I was spending very little time with him (I was traveling abroad and life was very hectic for me) and in the process I neglected our relationship. It got to a point where I just couldn’t manage my lifestyle properly and I broke up with him…

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September 1, 2024

I am Dating a Man Who Cheated In His Previous Relationship: What Should I Do?

I have been dating a man for 4 months and I really like him. However there is one thing that bothers me. When we talked about our past relationships, I asked him why he broke up with his ex. He said that his ex broke up with him because he cheated on her. He reassured me immediately that he would never do something like that to me. While I appreciate his honesty, the fact that he cheated on her really bothers me. He said that it was a stupid mistake and that he had too many drinks…

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September 1, 2024

I am Ambitious and Financially Successful But He Is Not: What Should I Do?

I am a 25 year old woman and I have been dating a man for 3 months. One thing that we haven’t discussed is finances. He works as a web designer and he said that he doesn’t earn that much though he didn’t mention the exact figure. I have a six figure salary and I pay close attention to my finances. For me, money and financial well being is a very important part of leading a quality life and it’s really unfortunate even in today’s day and age, money is treated with taboo even though it’s so important…

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September 1, 2024

He Spends More Time With His Friend and Prioritizes Him Over Me – What Should I Do?

I fell in love with this amazing guy whom we do almost everything together, feeling lost when we are always around each other and almost everyone around knows we are dating and seriously in love. I give him all the space he wants and also encourage him to spend more time alone with his buddies but I’ve started noticing he doesn’t update or carry me along anymore about his activities…

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September 1, 2024

My Boyfriend Buys Me Gifts All The Time And I Feel Awkward About It: What Should I Do?

My name is Cindy and I am dating a really awesome guy. He has the habit of buying me gifts and sometimes these gifts are quite expensive. As flattered as I am, I feel uncomfortable accepting them, but in the end I accept them because I don’t want to hurt him. Recently he gifted me an expensive piece of jewelry. When I told him politely that I couldn’t take it, he insisted that I accept it…

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September 1, 2024

I am a Single Mom Dating a Man Much Younger Than Me & He Wants To Have a Long Term Committed Relationship: What Should I Do?

I am a 37 year old single mom and I have been seeing a 25 year old man for a while. Since the relationship began very casually with no real expectations, it was fun, lively and enjoyable. Recently, he expressed his interest in a long term committed relationship with me. I am excited but scared. I am excited because I want to be in a committed relationship as well but I am scared because of our age difference…

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September 1, 2024

I Feel Uncomfortable With My Boyfriend’s Relationship With His Female Friend: What Should I Do?

Hi, My boyfriend and I share a great relationship. Recently his best friend moved to town and since then, I have felt insecure and jealous. My boyfriend and she have a great rapport and even though he told me about her quite often during our relationship, it didn’t affect me a great deal at that time because she was in a different state and they communicated mainly via phone and emails…

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