July 30, 2017

5 Powerful Tips On How To Respond To Your Ex’s Text Messages (and Have Them Crave You)

Video Summary

So you want your ex back, but don’t know what to say when they finally contact you. In this video Brad Browning, a relationship coach will teach you how to respond to your ex, so that you have the best possible chance of getting back together.

Keep Things in Perspective

Just because your ex messaged you, it doesn’t mean that they want to get back together with you. There are numerous reasons why they might need to contact you, so don’t overreact and keep your cool. Your only goal is to establish a positive rapport with your ex at the moment.

Tip #1: Don’t Reply Right Away

If you respond to their message within seconds, it’ll look desperate. Wait an hour or more before you respond to their text message. If they call instead of texting, don’t be afraid to let the call go to voicemail. These acts will help you regain the power you lost during the breakup by showing you’re over them.

Also, don’t make it too obvious you’re delaying your responses. It has to look natural.

Tip #2: Always Sound Upbeat

While this tip seems obvious, sometimes people will incite an argument or cause drama purposefully. You should never cause a conflict with your ex, ask who they were dating, or beg for a second chance. These are unattractive to your ex and won’t help.

You need to seem happy and positive.

Tip #3: Show You’re Keeping Busy

You need to convey to your ex you have a limited amount of time. You do this by looking like you have a life, which is an attractive characteristic. It’s far better than appearing available all the time, which makes it seem like you have no life after the breakup.

Tip #4: Keep Messages Brief

You need to keep your interaction with your ex brief, and that includes your messages. That doesn’t mean being rude or curt, but not bending over backwards to tell them everything about your life. Just send short messages and don’t try to force a longer conversation.

Tip #5: Be The One To End The Conversation

Remember, in order to take the power back, you need to take control. That means you need to end the conversation on your terms. This means that if you feel that the conversation is about to end or is going dull, then send a message saying you have plans and for them to contact you tomorrow.

About Brad Browning

Brad Browning is a relationship coach and breakup expert from Vancouver, Canada. For the past decade, Brad has worked with thousands of men and women around the world, helping to reverse breakups and mend broken relationships.

Brad is author of the best-selling Ex Factor Guide program, which teaches readers how to get their ex back. He also offers personal coaching to a limited number of clients, guiding them through the process of winning back an ex or recovering from a difficult breakup.

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