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July 29, 2017

5 Ways To Get Him To Commit To You (and Make Him ECSTATIC To Commit)

Video Summary

In this video, relationship and dating coach Amy North shares five tips guaranteed to make your guy commit to you and only you.

Getting a guy to want to commit to you begins with you.  Only when you are confident that you are your best self can you really put focus on building a relationship.  When that time comes, use these five powerful tips to make him want only you.

1. Know your worth

The process of getting him to commit begins with knowing your self worth.  Believe that you are valuable and any man would be lucky to have you.  Show your man this by not being too available – that is, don’t drop everything for him. 

To resist the temptation of making your life revolve around your man, make sure to plan activities for yourself.  Stay busy.  This doesn’t mean that you should ignore him; just make him work a bit harder for your time and attention.

2. Be bold

Being bold means knowing what you want and going for it.  “Want” is such a powerful word – if you know how to use it to your advantage.  Be careful, though, because you wouldn’t want him to think you are a self-entitled, spoiled brat. 

Instead, give off a vibe that says you’re a confident person whose wishes can’t be brushed aside.  While men like to rule, they are also empowered by women who knows how to take the wheel.

3. Encourage; Don't Criticize

Men absolutely hate it when you nag.  It may be that he does things that irk you but let him get away with those once in a while.  If it truly bothers you, find new ways of getting the message across.  Sometimes, silence can be golden.  That way, you’ll keep him wondering what’s on your mind and will force him to reflect on his actions. 

Try for a balance between criticism and encouragement.  Men love to be praised just as much as anyone so if he does something well, acknowledge it.  Also, be his rock – give him the support he needs when he needs it.

4. Let Him Chase You

Remember that men are born hunters and they thrive on winning a game.  To keep a man interested in a relationship – and hence, wanting to stay committed to you – let him chase you.  Even when he has already caught you, you can still evoke the chasing game by playing a little hard to get.

How do you do this?  Pull back everything that you have been throwing at him – don’t initiate plans, don’t be the first to call, etc.  Give him his space. Give him the opportunity to miss you and come to you, instead of you always going to him.

5. Be Honest

Building a relationship on lies is never a good idea.  From the get go, be honest. You’ll want to build a good, solid foundation for your relationship and one built on pretensions will only be shaky all throughout.

About Amy North

Amy NorthAmy North is a relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. She specializes in helping women from around the world find and keep the man of their dreams. Amy’s acclaimed online program, The Devotion System, has sold thousands of copies and is widely regarded as the #1 women’s dating guide on the planet.

To know more about Amy, visit www.devotionsystem.com.

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