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December 1, 2017

Why Can’t I Find a Man Who Truly Loves Me?- Relationship Expert Shares a Little-Known Reason Why Women Struggle To Find Love

Video Summary

In this video Helena Hart, love and relationship expert talks about why a woman finds it hard to find a man who truly loves her and talks about the one crucial step that you need to take if you want a man to love and accept you 100%.

A man will love you as much as you love yourself.

In other words, a man will only love you if you love yourself. If you do not love yourself and come across as needy, a man will sense this and he will lose attraction towards you. Confidence is really sexy and men love it.

Instead of putting all of your energy into trying to get a man to love you 100%, put your energy into really loving yourself and embracing all parts of yourself. If you have something that you are not happy with, such as a body part, a personality trait or something that has happened in your past, work on setting yourself free from that.

Doing so will mean that you can open up to a man fully and let him love you for all of who you are. Love 100% of yourself and man can love 100% of you also.

If a man sees that you accept your flaws, he will love all of you.

Sometimes women think that if a man knew her flaws, then he would be put off by her. Women think that they need to be an object of perfection for a man to want her. But men like to see all sides to a woman, a man wants to see your flaws, and see you a little vulnerable as this allows him to bring out his masculine energy so that he can ‘rescue you’.

Share yourself with your man but refuse to be a Victim and show him that YOU accept yourself fully and he will feel safe with you. Safe to share himself and his flaws with you, to let his guard down and not have to put on act around you.

Once a man feels that he can reach this level of comfortableness with you he is much more likely going to want to settle down with you and no other woman will compare, as he has found in you something that is rare to find in a lot of women, - acceptance.

About Helena Hart

As a Certified Life and Relationship Coach with a masters degree in Psychology – and a Master Coach Teacher for Rori Raye – Helena Hart understands the challenges of balancing the masculine energies she uses in work with the feminine energies necessary for success in dating and relationships.
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