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July 29, 2017

Here is Why the Modern Man Won’t Commit + What You Can Do About it

Video Summary

Are you baffled by the Peter Pan syndrome that seems quite common among men these days?  Relationship coach Matthew Hussey shares how you can work through that in this video.

It’s harder to commit to anything these days

In these modern times, people seem to find it hard to commit to most anything – career, life path, and, in particular, relationships.  There always seems to be a better option.  This is especially the case in big cities where there is everything all the time –something is always going on and you can have just about anything you want.

The difficulty to commit, generally speaking, is that this type of environment gives people a sense of entitlement.  It applies to just about every aspect of life but where relationships are concerned, some feel entitled to one that doesn’t require work.

Sense of entitlement

While most men aim for a meaningful relationship in their life, they don’t expect to be ready for it until they have achieved most of what they feel entitled to.  They have a checklist of things that they need to do – travel, play around, money, success – before they wish to meet the woman they will want to settle with.

The problem is this: they may never achieve all those things they want to achieve before the woman whom they can see themselves marrying comes along.  And so, when they are with this amazing person, the feeling that they haven’t accomplished enough leads them to sabotage the relationship.   

Can you ever trust a man enough to commit?

Most men do get to that point wherein they want to commit themselves to one person but it takes a certain level of maturity for them to be at that point in their life.  The easy thing for you to do is to find a man who is at that stage rather than be with someone who isn’t and then try to convert him.

For you to know whether a man is at that stage in his life wherein he is ready to commit, all you need to do is ask the right questions.  Does he feel that he has things he needed to do before he is ready to settle? Why did his past relationship end? Is he ready to commit? Most women are afraid to ask such questions because they are not ready to hear the answer.

And when you do find that guy, don’t give him 100% of your trust from the outset.  Allow him the chance to earn it.  Start of by allowing him to make 5% of the effort to gain 5% of your trust and build it gradually from there.

About Matthew Hussey

Matthew HusseyMatthew Hussey, speaker and New York Times Bestselling author, serves as a matchmaker on “Ready for Love,” NBC’s innovative and dramatic new relationship show about making real connections.

Through his online programs, viral internet broadcasts, sell-out seminars, NYT Bestselling book, and his roster of private clients, he has been able to pass on his insights and strategies to countless people. 50,000 women have attended his live events and he has reached over 10 million online. Hussey is the new international guru of the dating and relationship-coaching scene.

To know more about Matthew, visit www.howtogettheguy.com.

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