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December 1, 2017

The Boyfriend Test – Is He Right For You? Here Are the Things To Consider

Video Summary

In this video Helena Hart asks you 3 questions that will help you to figure out whether or not the guy that you are dating is the right man for YOU or not.

Is his energy coming towards you?

Masculine energy men are pretty straight forward and they go after what they want. SO, if he likes you, he should be initiating contact with you, calling you, texting you, he should be the one making the effort.

If you are in your feminine energy you will be laid back and receptive to this behaviour and he will be even more drawn to you.

How do you feel about yourself when you are with him?

Do you feel really good? Is the chemistry off the charts? This is all great but if you then feel insecure when you are not with him, maybe he is not the right man for you.

With the right man for you, you should feel very secure and confident in yourself, you should feel great when you are with him and also when you are away from him.

If you feel a sense of urgency or maybe even longing, or like you have to chase him down and prove yourself to him a) this is not healthy and b) you will be in your masculine energy.

You want to feel balanced, secure and in control and confident.

Does he seem to be a good guy in general?

Is he a nice guy when you are out and about in general? Or is he aggressive, negative, angry? Is he a positive person, or does he feel that the world is out to get him?

You can tell a lot about a man by watching him, or hearing how he talks about the other people in his life, such as his friends and family. Be aware of this and look out for any red flags as you don’t want to ignore any warnings, they are there for a reason.

About Helena Hart

As a Certified Life and Relationship Coach with a masters degree in Psychology – and a Master Coach Teacher for Rori Raye – Helena Hart understands the challenges of balancing the masculine energies she uses in work with the feminine energies necessary for success in dating and relationships.
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