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December 1, 2017

Did You Sleep With Him Too Soon? Here Are 3 Signs That Can Help You Find Out

Video Summary

In this video Carlos Cavallo, the dating advice guru talks about how to know if you slept with a guy too soon, and if you think that you did, what you can do about it. Don’t panic,it’s not as bad as you think. 

He’s showing you all of those uh-oh signs.

The guy might have left as soon as he could in the morning, he hasn’t tried to call you or text you, you can generally trust your gut when it comes to this sort of thing.

If you see signs that he is avoiding you, chances are that you may have slept with him too soon, and now he is worried about you coming on too strong with him. Guys, if a woman puts out too soon, tend to worry that she will do this with everyone.

A man needs to feel that you respect yourself and that he is special and you won’t just have sex with just anyone. Of course, this may not be the way that it is, but a guy can see things differently.

Sign 1: You start to hear those insecure questions pop up in your head.

You start to ask yourself ‘did I sleep with him too soon?’ or, ‘does he like me?’ and the questions go round and round in your head. The chances are that if they come up, you just know that you rushed things.

Sign 2: You did it out of pressure.

It could have been him pressuring you or you pressuring yourself. Women tell themselves that if they don't sleep with him then he will sleep with someone else, but even if he does, he often loses interest fairly quickly and will come back and seek you out.

Sign 3: So what can you do about it?

First of all, don't beat yourself up about it and do not call yourself a whore or a slut or any of those meaningless insults! You may have moved a little too fast, but that’s okay. Just be honest with yourself about why you did that and if you feel that it was because you felt pressured to do so, have a talk with the guy or with yourself, and work out why you felt this way.

Know, that next time you don’t need to move as fast when you meet a guy and that any guy who does truly like you, will respect you and like you even more if you show that you know how to respect and like yourself also.

About Carlos Cavallo

Carlos Cavallo is a dating and attraction adviser, as well as a black belt instructor and motivational life coach. He’s the author of Forever Yours – The Secret Password To His HeartThe Connection Code, and too many other programs to mention.

Carlos brings to the table a variety of life experiences, including a background in relationship skills, life-coaching, motivational psychology, sales, management, Martial Arts, teaching and instruction, energy work, Eastern philosophy, the psychology of achievement, and music.

Carlos Cavallo’s programs teach the essence of attraction between the sexes. By understanding the successful traits of an attractive single, you can attract the right man, achieve more success with your personal and social world, and experience a more rewarding life.

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