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July 29, 2017

3 Simple Yet Little Known Secrets To Become Instantly More Attractive To Men

Video Summary

While we often associate the word attractive with gorgeous, model-type women, becoming instantly attractive has nothing to do with doing a complete makeover.  In this video, Amy North, a relationship coach from Vancouver, Canada shares a little known secret for becoming instantly more attractive to men.

The thing is, the most attractive people are not the ones who look perfect but the ones who are confident in spite of what makes them feel less perfect about themselves.  They don’t think others will like them less just because they have imperfections.  Their looks don’t have the power to make them feel less.  Instead, they accept their shortcomings and just decide to be the best version of themselves. 

How do they do this, you ask?  By being fun, outgoing, interesting and passionate.  In other words, they are confident.  It’s human nature to worry about whether you’re pretty enough, cool enough, smart enough.  But being confident and being attractive is to be able to put aside worrying and just be comfortable with yourself. 

Years of self-doubt may make it quite difficult for you to love every inch of yourself.  While that would be ideal, becoming instantly attractive needs you to at the very least show others that you’re confident.  In other words, fake it ‘til you make it, if you must.

So how do you project your most life-loving image to be instantly more attractive to men?  Just follow these three quick tips:

Tip 1: Make smiling a habit!

Have you noticed how smiling can make you feel instantly better?  It’s true.  It’s uplifting fo you and uplifting for others as well.  So make it a point to smile at everyone you pass wherever you are – the bus, the street, the grocery store.  Not only will that make you feel good but will also increase your happiness.

Tip 2: Perfect your posture!

Nothing says confidence more than a perfect posture.  Standing tall and long can be perfected with posture.  To do this, imagine a string pulling from the top of your head towards the sky and another string pulling from your chin down to you toes.  Take it a step further by keeping your back at a 90 degree angle to the ground when you sit. There are other exercises you can do, but at the very least, start by not slouching.

Tip 3: Wear sexy underwear!

This may sound funny and even ridiculous but just try it out!  Wearing a sexy lingerie under your clothes can actually make you feel undeniably attractive.  It’s like you have this naughty, sexy secret that only you know about and that can boost your confidence.  Also, you can practice being comfortable in your own skin by checking yourself out in the mirror after every shower.

Again, always remember that confidence is your sexiest look.  At the end of the day, everyone has something about them that they don't like.  But learn this from the most confident – and hence most attractive people: stop stressing about your imperfections!  You are not alone.  The key is to love yourself a little bit more every day.

About Amy North

Amy NorthAmy North is a relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. She specializes in helping women from around the world find and keep the man of their dreams. Amy’s acclaimed online program, The Devotion System, has sold thousands of copies and is widely regarded as the #1 women’s dating guide on the planet.

To know more about Amy, visit www.devotionsystem.com.

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