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July 29, 2017

The Surprising Secrets To Get a Guy To Approach You + Make Him Come To You

Video Summary

In this video, relationship and dating coach Amy North from Vancouver, Canada, shares tips on how you can get a guy to approach you.

Picture this scenario: you and your girlfriends are out for some drinks one night and there’s this guy across the room who catches your eye.  You keep finding yourself looking in his direction and you also catch him glancing over yours repeatedly.  He’s cute and you’re smitten.  You want nothing more than for him to walk over and introduce himself. 

Oftentimes though, you both stop at the glancing game.  Despite the overt eye contacts made across the room throughout the night, nothing happens beyond that.  It can be quite frustrating, right?  How then do you get him to take it a step further? 

 Wave him over

Now this may seem bizzare but the first trick is to wave him over.  You read that right: you need to take the first initiative beyond the exchange of glances and actually invite him over to your table. 

Waving him over could never be mistaken for anything else but an invitation.  In giving him permission to join you, he will feel more confident about approaching you because now he doesn’t have to worry about being rejected. 

Make it work

Now, just because you waved him over doesn’t mean that he’ll be quick to accept your invitation.  He may still have some reservations.  You may have given him an obvious invite but he may still be worried about what your friends might say or do.

Give him additional assurance by waving him over again.  Make sure to smile and make it absolutely clear that he’s welcome to join your group.  By smiling, you erase any doubts he may have about your friendly intentions.

Create an opportunity for him to approach you

If you feel that being around your friends would make him uncomfortable or if you yourself are not too keen about the idea of making his acquaintance with your friends for an audience, there are other ways you can do to create an opportunity for him to approach.  

For instance, you could remove yourself from your girl group by taking a trip to the bathroom or answering a call outside.  If he’s interested, he will be watching out for such a chance to make his move.  Just be sure to give him a hint by smiling at him as you walk away.  That should give him the assurance he needs to follow your lead.

What to do when he approaches you

So when he does approach, what will your next move be? He will be expecting you to say something because you did invite him over. Keep it short and sweet and tell him simply, “I just wanted to say hi”. At this point, you are passing the ball to his court. After all, you’ve already made the first move. This also keeps the pressure off of you. From hereon, keep the conversation light and breezy. Remember, the trick is still to keep him intrigued enough to want to ask you out.

About Amy North

Amy NorthAmy North is a relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. She specializes in helping women from around the world find and keep the man of their dreams. Amy’s acclaimed online program, The Devotion System, has sold thousands of copies and is widely regarded as the #1 women’s dating guide on the planet.

To know more about Amy, visit www.devotionsystem.com.

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