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July 17, 2017

What Makes Men Stop Chasing You (A Relationship Expert Reveals 5 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid)

Video Summary

Men are born hunters and they love the thrill of the chase.  It’s a fun and exciting part of the dating ritual but women sometimes hijack the chase without even realizing it.  In this video, relationship coach Amy North talks about the common mistakes a woman makes that cause a man to abort his hunting mission.

Mistake #1: They text too soon

After that enjoyable first date, you might have this huge urge to call him and plan for when you can see him next.  Well, don’t.  If you do, you’ll be interfering with his mission.  It’s okay to text him to thank him for the date and to tell him that you had a really good time; but that should be all you send.  Don’t be too excited to go to him with your plans; instead, let him come to you with his. 

Mistake #2: Being too available

If you’re always free and ready to go every time he asks you, then where’s the chase in that?  When he wants to make plans to go out with you, make it known that he needs to give you a bit of a notice.  For instance, he calls and asks you out to dinner that night, tell him you’d love to but you already have other plans and suggest another day.

Even if you don’t really have anything major on, you cannot let him think hat he’s the only thing you have going in your life. Don’t make him the sole source of your happiness – that is more pressure than he can handle.  Instead, live a balanced, busy and fun life and make him work for your time.

Mistake #3: Giving it up too soon

Most guys will make a move to get you into bed as soon as they can.  That doesn’t mean you have to give in just as soon, too, especially if you want to keep him interested in you. 

It’s true that, for women, sleeping with a man can make you feel more emotionally attached to him.  Unfortunately, he won’t be feeling the same way.  To him, it will be just sex, and sex that he got without having to work too hard for.  If you want to keep him hook, keep him guessing.  

Mistake #4: Being too nice

Being too nice means cloning your personality to match his.  No matter how brilliant you think he is, it won’t be much fun for him if you smile at and agree to everything that comes out of his mouth.  Just be yourself and let him get to know the real you.  Have an opinion and that will give him something to think about. 

Mistake #5: Trying too hard

A man can sniff out when you are going overboard to try and impress him. Since you’re the one trying, then he doesn't feel the need to. And that can make him lose interest fast. Instead, learn to be comfortable around him. Let him play his chasing game and just enjoy being chased.

About Amy North

Amy NorthAmy North is a relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. She specializes in helping women from around the world find and keep the man of their dreams. Amy’s acclaimed online program, The Devotion System, has sold thousands of copies and is widely regarded as the #1 women’s dating guide on the planet.

To know more about Amy, visit www.devotionsystem.com.

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