August 17, 2017

If a Man is Interested, Will He Pursue You?

Video Summary

In this video, relationship adviser Helena Hart of answered a question from a woman who asked whether or not a man will truly pursue a woman and keep things moving along if he’s interested. 

The short answer to that question is: yes.  If a man is interested in and attracted to you – and especially if he’s looking for a relationship – he will absolutely pursue you and move things along.

What does it take for a man to pursue you?

There are conditions, however.  You, being the one pursued, also need to help him move things along.  But what he requires from you is so much simpler: you just need to be open and receptive to him when he does make his move.  That is, he has to feel that he’s not going to be shut down when he does approach you.

Men are rather quite sensitive to rejection.  Although they are more used to it than women, especially if they’ve gone the route of online dating or have been single for quite sometime – but it still stings.  A lot.  And so they’re more careful.

Thus, if the man pursuing you is someone you’re just as interested in and attracted to, one of the most important thing you can do to encourage him in this quest is for you to be really warm, and open, and receptive to him.  And that’s all you really need to do. That’s the really great thing about a woman – it takes very little effort to inspire a man to step up and chase you.

Why do women get it wrong?

You have to remember that a man’s brain is hardwired differently from a woman’s.  When they see something they want, they go after it.  That’s one of the manifestations of masculine energy in men. 

Women, on the other hand, are a bit more complex.  They can talk themselves into and out of things that they initially want or don't want – even attraction.  For men, it’s simpler: attraction is gut level and instinctive.  They’re either attracted to you or they’re not.

And if he’s interested, he’ll definitely want to do the pursuing, especially if he’s one of those high quality, masculine man.  So long as he knows he stands a chance with you, he will initiate the chase and will keep things moving along. 

How do you get it right?

It sounds so easy but many women still make the wrong move when it comes to dealing with men who they are attracted to and are attracted to them.  Because if it’s someone you really like, it can be difficult to hold yourself back and not do the pursuing yourself. 

Women who do this fail to realize that if he’s the right man for you, he will come towards you without any more prompting than that.  You only need to lean back in your feminine energy, and invite his attention.  But as soon as you shift your vide – get into you masculine energy and jump into the role of pursuer – he’ll automatically back off and distance himself from you. 

Of course you can initiate a few things yourself but only up to the point to make him feel that you welcome his attention and affection and you’re more than willing to be pursued by him. 

About Helena Hart

As a Certified Life and Relationship Coach with a masters degree in Psychology – and a Master Coach Teacher for Rori Raye – Helena Hart understands the challenges of balancing the masculine energies she uses in work with the feminine energies necessary for success in dating and relationships.
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