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July 27, 2017

The Remarkably (Powerful) Secret That Keeps a Man Interested + Insanely Attracted To You

Video Summary

Dating expert Amy North shares in this video the number one secret that keeps a man interested.

There are several things you can do to keep a man interested in you but if all those could be boiled down to one thing, it would be this: the “Cat String concept”.

The Cat String Concept is a psychological technique that’s essentially showing interest in him and then pulling away – constantly.  It is anchored on the fact that men love the chase and they never get bored of it.

Cats are like that, too.  Imagine a cat playing with a piece of string.  It will fight tooth and nail just to grab the string in its paws.  But once the cat gets hold of the string, fun’s over – the cat will just drop the string and saunter away.

Just as with cats, once a guy knows he got you and you’re never leaving, his interest drops.  The romance loses its intensity and he becomes more distant, even going as far as ignoring you and preferring to hang out with his other guy friends than with you.  So how do you become that ever-evading string that he always needs to chase? 

Here are a few things you can do:

1. Don't spend too much time with him

Live a life outside of your guy.  Have interests and friends that doesn’t involve him and spend time with those.  Stay busy and find something else to be passionate about.  When your guy feels like you have a ton of other things going on, he’ll start missing you and he’ll want to be with you more.

2. Learn to say “no”

It’s so easy to say “yes” to a guy you really like because you just want to spend time with him.  But that can get really boring really fast so the next time he asks you out, resist the temptation and try saying “no”.  That would help to keep the chase alive. 

3. Have “girls only” nights

Don’t be that girl who disappears from the group when she has a boyfriend and only comes crawling back when a guy breaks up with her.  You know your girlfriends would hate you for that.  Make sure to spend time with them eve if you’re in a relationship because not only is it healthy for you, your guy would appreciate the time apart, too.

4. Let him do his thing

Give him his space.  If he wants to hang out with the boys, act indifferent and let him.  Don't be the girl who’s constantly breathing down his neck because that is a major turn-off for him.  Instead, be the cool girlfriend who lets him enjoy his freedom every now and then.

5. Learn to be independent

Letting a guy do things for you is okay once in a while but not to the point that he feels like a slave in your relationship.  There are things you can do yourself – going to the gym, the grocery, etc. – to show your man that you don't need him for everything. 

About Amy North

Amy NorthAmy North is a relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. She specializes in helping women from around the world find and keep the man of their dreams. Amy’s acclaimed online program, The Devotion System, has sold thousands of copies and is widely regarded as the #1 women’s dating guide on the planet.

To know more about Amy, visit www.devotionsystem.com.

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